Hey guys, I’ve posted here before but stepped back for a while.
Bit of background - both myself and my partner are 29, I’ve been off the pill since October 2018 and started tracking ovulation etc in April 2019. Never had a positive test. Had tests done at the doctors, out of the three times they tested for ovulation, it was confirmed twice and not the other time. My periods are fairly regular (always 27-31 days, usually 28/29) and I don’t get super heavy or painful periods. I’m a healthy weight and live a fairly healthy lifestyle - I don’t smoke or drink, but do like a takeaway, though I try to balance this with plenty of fruit and veg and regular exercise.
I started using OvuSense in October and they confirmed ovulation on CD16, then CD14 in November, no ovulation confirmation in December. Ovulated CD12 in January. Currently CD13 and got a flashing smiley on a ClearBlue this morning, but the cheap OPKs are still showing very negative so I’m not feeling positive for ovulation.
I just feel so disheartened!