Hey everyone, I'm 29 30 in November. I have endometriosis and my partner had testicular cancer 6 years ago. We had a miscarriage last may at 8 weeks and have been ttc since July with no luck.
I had an appointment this morning with my gynaecologist and he told me I was ovulating later than I thought. The egg is 2.8cm and he said its perfect. We are going to bd tonight and in the morning. I really hope this is our month.
Baby dust to you all
I’m only in my first proper month of trying but it’s amazing how much you suddenly learn about your body! I genuinely used to think the slight twinge of pain in my ovary could be the onset of cancer or something haha... so dramatic! I never knew when I was ovulating or the signs or anything until now and now I’m taking time to research, things like ovulation pains now make sense! Quite fascinated about how amazing our bodies are!
Good luck! ❤❤❤
This made me laugh as it was literally me too before we started trying I’d get this pain every so often and think “I’m probs dying”. When I started tracking my cycles it was like a revelation! “OH! That’s what that is!”.
Why is the tww the longest 2 weeks ever?
my first post on these ttc threads but ain’t it just! we’ve ‘only’ been trying for 8ish months,I know that’s nothing compared to some of you. How on earth did you find the will power to wait?! It’s so hard! I’m sure it gets harder every month!
Can you add TWW now please?TTC’s #2 - thread for those trying to conceive.
Some common abbreviations:
AF = Aunt Flo (period)
BFP = big fat positive
BFN = big fat negative
OPK = ovulation predictor kit
HPT = Home pregnancy test
DTD = do/did the deed
So this might be a bit tmi but I’m only 9dpo and not due on for 5 days (I’m super regular) but I’ve just wiped and had brownish/red blood. Now trying to figure out if I’m coming on early for some reason or could it be implantation? I did miscarry in December but my last 2 cycles have been normal. Has anyone else had this? I’m super confused!
Thank you! I have health anxiety so anything like this sends me spiralling I guess now keep everything crossed and not obsessively pee on sticksBrown = old blood and a little bit of red could deffo be implantation
Thank you! I have health anxiety so anything like this sends me spiralling I guess now keep everything crossed and not obsessively pee on sticks
Ah I can’t believe I forgot that! I can’t edit the first postCan you add TWW now please?
Fingers crossed for you!! Have you had any other symptoms at all?So this might be a bit tmi but I’m only 9dpo and not due on for 5 days (I’m super regular) but I’ve just wiped and had brownish/red blood. Now trying to figure out if I’m coming on early for some reason or could it be implantation? I did miscarry in December but my last 2 cycles have been normal. Has anyone else had this? I’m super confused!
Have you had this before? I tend to get brown spotting about 3/4 days before AF most months.So this might be a bit tmi but I’m only 9dpo and not due on for 5 days (I’m super regular) but I’ve just wiped and had brownish/red blood. Now trying to figure out if I’m coming on early for some reason or could it be implantation? I did miscarry in December but my last 2 cycles have been normal. Has anyone else had this? I’m super confused!
I’ve felt a bit nauseous and light headed but that’s it! Last year before mc I had night sweats, super sore boobs and peeing every 5 mins so completely different Sometimes feel like my body is playing tricks on me!Fingers crossed for you!! Have you had any other symptoms at all?
No never, normally the day before I get really bad cramps then in the morning, hello period just hoping it’s our month as we’re moving house in 4 weeks mainly for more room for a baby/child!Have you had this before? I tend to get brown spotting about 3/4 days before AF most months.
For you
I’ve felt a bit nauseous and light headed but that’s it! Last year before mc I had night sweats, super sore boobs and peeing every 5 mins so completely different Sometimes feel like my body is playing tricks on me!
No never, normally the day before I get really bad cramps then in the morning, hello period just hoping it’s our month as we’re moving house in 4 weeks mainly for more room for a baby/child!