VIP Member
I’m in a similar position have just had all my tests done (bloods, ultrasound) and are waiting for my appointment now which I am tempted to go private for (currently been waiting about 2 months). However the only advice I would give is have as many tests done on the nhs first for example my friend went private and her husband hadn’t had his sample and they charged £250 just for that! In total their tests alone cost around £1000 but they have gone back on the nhs for treatment (IVF). I am not sure if it has actually speeded up their treatment time as they still had to wait for an nhs appointment with Gynae but I think it gave her some answers quicker and they maybe skipped some steps on the nhs which might save them time in the long runHi girls! I’ve been ttc since October and since then had two periods (November and April) my GP has referred me to the gynae. Has anybody got any experiences similar and thoughts about maybe going private?