I can't find an IVF thread so I hope this is okay on here as I just want to rant. I cant help but feel so guilty and to blame the last few days. I feel like all this is my fault and we wouldn't have to go through IVf if it wasn't for me and my conditions. What makes it harder is going through it so soon into a relationship and putting stress on us both which an average new couple probably wouldn't have, all because my low egg count. I feel like if I don't do this now, I'm gonna miss out on having my own kids when older and kick myself but I'm so worried all this stress will put my partner off. I just wish we didn't have to do this so soon, I just feel like it's all my fault. Second to this my best mates have been pigshit this last week, the time I've needed them the most only 1 friend has actually been there. The others have not bothered to message at all even though I've told them whata going on. I just feel so lonely and
tit. I want a hug. I'm just sat in my car crying my eyes out, I don't even want to go in the house. Just wish all this anxiety and stress would go away and I had some control over the future, oh wouldn't that be nice
big hugs to you all on here, I'm sure there's someone out there who'll need it tonight like myself ❤❤❤