My period wasn’t a proper period at all don’t know why my body is going crazy. It was like a super quick light period and now it’s over? Will see if anything starts today.
How quick? Is there any chance it could have been implantation spotting?My period wasn’t a proper period at all don’t know why my body is going crazy. It was like a super quick light period and now it’s over? Will see if anything starts today.
Did you do any ovulation test? I was so emotional day after ovulation this month literally cried at the most stupid things but not sure that even makes sense as nothings really happened at that point? Best of luck anyway you’re a few days ahead of me xSo glad i found this thread. currently in the tww, 3/4 days to go feel like i’m having random cramps, had weird bubbling after dtd too and over emotional. feel like i’m getting my hopes up when it’s unlikely i even ovulated as i have pcos. i’ve started taking myo-inositol and all the positive reviews are getting me excited
i’ve started taking myo-inositol and all the positive reviews are getting me excited
yeah i did a few. i think we dtd around my peak, but i get obsessed with them so i wasn’t tracking thoroughly if that makes senseDid you do any ovulation test? I was so emotional day after ovulation this month literally cried at the most stupid things but not sure that even makes sense as nothings really happened at that point? Best of luck anyway you’re a few days ahead of me x
mine is in tablets and says to take 4 tablets a day. that equates to 4000mg. does it say how many mg within 2g of powder?How much are you taking? I've just started taking it but I'm not 100% sure how much. I have it in powder form and have been taking 2g twice a day.
mine is in tablets and says to take 4 tablets a day. that equates to 4000mg. does it say how many mg within 2g of powder?
I don’t think so I did an easy@home test yesterday afternoon and it was negative. Might do a FRER tomorrow morning and if that’s negative I’ll just have to put it down to a random missed period!How quick? Is there any chance it could have been implantation spotting?
It can be red, different for everyone I think hun. Don’t want to give you false hope but I would do another test if it wasn’t a full flow and not normal for you.I don’t think so ☹ I did an easy@home test yesterday afternoon and it was negative. Might do a FRER tomorrow morning and if that’s negative I’ll just have to put it down to a random missed period!
i literally had 2 random spotting, not enough to fill a tampon and that’s it. But it was very red and not pink which is what I think implantation looks like
I use them. Ive got a fairly accurate date now but it also means when we want a month off from tracking and relaxing.. like this coming month.. we know what dates to try without being too strict but still being in with a chance. It can become obsessive but give yourself a month off once you have a pattern xDoes everyone use ovulation tests? I don’t know whether to try them on this cycle or whether it’s just another thing to obsess over and the best bet is to try and dtd every other day from when AF is over
I'm on cycle 16. I feel like I'm just taking vitamins and hoping for a miracle at this point. I've switched from proceive to conceive plus for this cycle. Any other recommendations?
12DPO and I have a positive (albeit not a very dark one but there’s a second line and it’s been there for a few days!)
Congratulations! so happy for you12DPO and I have a positive (albeit not a very dark one but there’s a second line and it’s been there for a few days!)
I still lurk here from time to time! This is amazing news!❤12DPO and I have a positive (albeit not a very dark one but there’s a second line and it’s been there for a few days!)
12DPO and I have a positive (albeit not a very dark one but there’s a second line and it’s been there for a few days!)
i’m after some help please, what can people see?