Maybe not, she's learning and changing through her journey and maybe has realised that big weight loss announcements only put her under more pressure to deliver.
She looks slimmer, that's probably down to losing bloat from over eating during lock down as much as any fat loss.
She's building muscle so on the scales that'll hide some of the fat loss. It's an epic journey that's going to take a long time. She's better off now doing it slowly and retraining her brain so she can keep it off afterwards. Losing is easier than maintaining for a lot of people. I reckon the gain during lock down shook her confidence and made her realise how much work she has to do in her head before she is actually in control of what she eats.
Fingers crossed for her own good she'll stop seeking fame too.
Thats why a few weeks back she said she was going for a 30 pound loss and a smaller goal each time. Not a word since and that’s her style. It’s usually when she’s hiding something before a big “reset” . I understand that she needs to do what’s right for her but if she’s running an Instagram page based on her weight loss journey and she hasn’t actually lost any weight in probably a year at least and is the same size or thereabouts since the initial 100 pound loss then she’s not being honest and is just promoting whatever she’s being paid for including her book which she pushes constantly but doesn’t practice what she is being paid to preach... as well she has no job now and lives with her parents at age 32??? Who does that at her age??
The vast majority of people following her is because of her weight loss and they are not interested in spotlight whitener or not following her own “advice”. They want numbers. What is she actually losing and how is she doing it. That’s what it comes down to. Fame is gone to her head and the truth is she is no shining example to anyone.