Trisha is completely misrepresenting this walk, however Debra Ireland only asked her to share that the walk is happening. Trisha on her own said she would walk 20k steps a day and on her own asked for donations. Debra Ireland didn't ask for donations, just 20e to sign up. Debra Ireland should pick better representatives than Trisha, but emailing them that we believe Trisha is lying about the steps really doesn't get anywhere. They don't line Trisha's pockets. If Trisha encouraged others to sign up and they are actually participating, unlike her, I don't really see a fault on DI's end. No charity polices if a person actually does the walk/run.
I feel emailing a company like Dove that is paying Trisha to be the face of a campaign about digital distortion when she digitally distorts all of her photos would do more damage to Trisha.
If you feel emailing DI is important, that's your right, just wanted to put the thought out there that DI nor the people with EB have any control whether or not Trisha actually takes those steps