I walked the Camino many years ago with a friend, exactly 125 km from sarria to Santiago 5 days . We ate a pilgrim meal every evening, starter and main and a drink. I came back with super toned legs and thighs, smaller tummy. Even though I ate well and didn’t restrict myself. The first day was tough as lots of uphill on uneven surfaces and so was the last day as it’s boring and uninspiring, some of the route is walking along the perimeter of the airport. At this stage we were also just tired.
In some ways I think she walked it but in others I think she didn’t. Were there time stamps on her pics? We set off most morning at 7am during Easter. I wore proper mountain boots, well worn in from my trip to South America. I’m not sure trainers quite cut it. On the last day my friends knee was aching and she couldn’t complete the trip - she was not like Trisha in terms of weight but the walking affected her.
what’s most interesting is trisha’s caption on that last video - it’s all about me, me, me. A true pilgrim really takes the Camino to reflect, pause, slow down, appreciate nature and how much materialistic tit we have - there is no inner reflection from her. How can you pause and reflect if you’re constantly surrounded by people and phone and taking footage? Having done therapy for 2 years, I honesty don’t believe people can fall in love with themselves after a week on the Camino - thats done through inner work and healing day in and day out, I still don’t full love myself, it’s a process but I know for sure it doesn’t happen on the Camino!
I have so much more to add but it’s late.