I'm really happy you've brought light to this. I feel the constant censorship we must have these days regarding a person and their gender in society. It's the perfect way for people and often disingenuous people to gaslight and victimises themselves in certain situations, it almost forces us into silence whilst many men in society are not genuinely trans. It's sad for people who have gone through so much difficulty and bottom surgeries and misery their entire lives to witness some men being opportunists.
I believe there is a massive amount of fetishisation that takes place. If I decided tomorrow that I wanted to be a man and be referred to and given the same treatment as men, I would not aggressively shut people down who had questions regarding such a significant decision. The only thing I will say about Holly is, I don't feel I could ever ask anything or be educated on her life. Any time I had a curiosity or wanted to learn more about her experience I would have been treated as a transphobic person or 'not allowed to ask personal questions' I have also become increasingly insulted with the minimisation of women health issues, cycles and body types being discussed with such a lack of respect from Holly. As a woman, I am hyper-aware of women's sensitivities, I would never compare my cycle to another woman's because we all experience it so differently. This is something all women know. Some women become bedbound, whilst others have no issues. The same applies to giving birth, how the body changes, how the pregnancy term affects women differently. In fact, to generalise anything regarding women's health struggles in itself is the most anti-feminine thing you could possibly do. Holly is the farthest thing from a feminist I have ever witnessed. I have men in my family who are more feminist than Holly and I find her know it all attitude disgraceful when she undermines or generalises our experiences.
You said it! Change is the hardest thing in the world, and the more a person needs real change and intervention who doesn't want to do anything, the more stubborn and loud-mouthed they become. People who genuinely are in a good place usually feel content and don't shout about it because they have nothing they feel they need to prove. Also, for someone who has a job on Bigo, why is it that she asks for any money at all if she has a job?.. She would also be on benefits. She certainly isn't living in a third world country and is capable of a certain standard of living not to mention her partner works full time as well. It's priorities with Holly, not circumstantial. She chooses to waste her money, not invest in her home or smokes and orders takeaways and invests nothing in the transition we are all waiting for, no hormones either and we become "trolls" as her viewers for pointing the crack we notice in this narrative..? If a person is going to share their life, they have to be willing to have questions and face the music when things stop adding up.