Trad Wives UK

Teapots is definitely changing. I'm quite a bit younger than her but genuinely found her refreshing with her baking and charity shopping. At the moment I'm considering unfollowing. Feels like she doesn't share any of the realities of life anymore.

On a separate note, I do wonder how relationships survive when one of you decides to become an online persona. I think Teapots has these dramatic breaks likely from her husband or family saying she's on her phone too much. Or perhaps she knows it herself. It's funny that her vibe is 1940s housewife yet she probably spends more time on her phone content creating some days than other things...
Had a little nosey in Teapotandtablecloths account. Last video she looks lovely in the navy dress, much younger & sounds so much better when not putting on the Queen voice.

Lydia put up a reel of doing her hair on a day she thought it looked manky and I was stunned at how pretty she is before she starts turning herself into a 1940s schoolmarm.
Michelle, Rememberingtheoldways has posted a reel today of her home over the last year and how much it has changed.

There's a comment 'so glad I found you via Mrswarrscountryhome page'. 😳 No reply to that like the many other comments M has replied to, I'd love to bloody well know why there's been some big falls outs😁

That post popped up my feed. Gorgeous home. I wonder if she has another cooker?
😂Meanwhile I’m burning to know what’s going on between them all!

Edit: hmmm that comment is gone (or I just can’t find it).
Can I suggest ‘Real housewives of England 1940s’ as a thread title?
That’s what they’ve turned into!
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Teapots is definitely changing. I'm quite a bit younger than her but genuinely found her refreshing with her baking and charity shopping. At the moment I'm considering unfollowing. Feels like she doesn't share any of the realities of life anymore.

On a separate note, I do wonder how relationships survive when one of you decides to become an online persona. I think Teapots has these dramatic breaks likely from her husband or family saying she's on her phone too much. Or perhaps she knows it herself. It's funny that her vibe is 1940s housewife yet she probably spends more time on her phone content creating some days than other things...
As I've previously said. I preferred her before. Also , what is so bloody irritating. Lydia will do a video about vintage dressing then Sian will do exactly the same. L will sit at kitchen table posting now Sian does it, Its so repetitive and boring.
As I've previously said. I preferred her before. Also , what is so bloody irritating. Lydia will do a video about vintage dressing then Sian will do exactly the same. L will sit at kitchen table posting now Sian does it, Its so repetitive and boring.
And then they will post ridiculous, formulaic, gushy comments one each other's posts. It's just so fake. If they're such close friends why the need to "perform" their friendship for strangers on the Internet? Any normal person would just give it a like and text their friend personally.
Love Alena’s shot at Lydia, Sian and Katrina - ‘To top it off, a few things in my social circle really made me question certain people and their intentions. I have a pretty charmed life, but I realised that the moment I really needed my friends around me, they were too busy making jam. I had left Instagram so I guess I was no longer useful to them, and they moved onto bigger fish.’
If Sian had been horrible to her and she needed to downsize I suppose it made it easier to sell? Bad memories and all that.
I was right and it makes sense - if they have been horrible to her then having something so related to your former friendship must be hard to see constantly.
Love Alena’s shot at Lydia, Sian and Katrina - ‘To top it off, a few things in my social circle really made me question certain people and their intentions. I have a pretty charmed life, but I realised that the moment I really needed my friends around me, they were too busy making jam. I had left Instagram so I guess I was no longer useful to them, and they moved onto bigger fish.’

I was right and it makes sense - if they have been horrible to her then having something so related to your former friendship must be hard to see constantly.
Where's that from?
Love Alena’s shot at Lydia, Sian and Katrina - ‘To top it off, a few things in my social circle really made me question certain people and their intentions. I have a pretty charmed life, but I realised that the moment I really needed my friends around me, they were too busy making jam. I had left Instagram so I guess I was no longer useful to them, and they moved onto bigger fish.’

I was right and it makes sense - if they have been horrible to her then having something so related to your former friendship must be hard to see constantly.
I have seen Alena's post. We have seen her side !

I can fully well believe they are all flaky, false attention seeking women..Lydia in particular is getting worse as time goes on.
And all of them no doubt got worse since having their IG accounts which has brought out the worst in them in certain ways.

However, all fool all of them..the 'friendships' were formed overnight, how the hec as a married stay at home Mums with school aged children and in Lydia's case a baby at the time, can you have intense full on gushy friendships and each woman miles and miles from each other. I'd say they all went into this intense quad friendship guns ablazing..I was a SAHM and I most certainly would not have had time for intense friendships when my children were young (even at the end of the phone). I barely had time for my very good close friends.

Let's not forget Alena has mentioned friendship issues before these women were in her lifes, she could be a person that can not keep female friendships.
Kudos to Alena tho for admitting her regrets for falling down the IG influencer rabbit hole.
Let's not forget Alena has mentioned friendship issues before these women were in her lifes, she could be a person that can not keep female friendships.
But she’s also mentioned other females friends who have supported her. I think it’s a case that she fell in with the twee three and then they only cared about surface issues and getting clout on instagram.
Someone named them eeep

She will mention friends that have supported so when the twee three read it's a one up 👊 to them. We'll never know how long she knew these friends or if these friendships last.

Wonder if they will respond ?

Did you notice in her blog she says the ex friends have done it to others - must be referring to Rememberingtheoldways.
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Quote as asked ~ It really puts things into perspective when you form friendships that are based on “aesthetics” and someone’s (fake?) persona on the internet. You get a real shock when you discover what they are really like; prone to a set pattern of behaviours (the same that have since affected a few other people in the community in the same way) - behaviours that are not aligned with your values at all. That’s all I’ll say on the matter. It’s disappointing to feel used, but if I’m honest, a relief to be free of taking pictures “for the gram”. Oh and I parted with the Beryl too, it made me feel sad to look at it… plus I felt it should stay in England, and be loved by someone who would really appreciate it.~

If was Alena who set up the Bleinham Circle IG account..wouldn't she have been orchestrating photos of the four of them for the Gram ?!

Six of one, half a dozen of the other if you ask me. Definitely 3 massive personalities and egos were in that Circle. Katrina I'm excluding. She always seemed more reserved.
They are comments following her move post announcement on her Darling Academy FB page

thank you. I don’t go into Facebook muchbut had a good read today. This made me chuckle from a story posted on Alena’s page about tradwives.
And this saddened me. I don’t know if it is radicalisation but I think some of the privileged 40s tradwives build their followings selling this dream.


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rememberingtheoldways, now that's a blast from the past.

I always thought she went private/disappeared because of her children. A few years back there was some mention of something going down with one of her twin girls. Honestly, I felt sorry for those girls, she dressed them as a cross between Victorian waifs and Little House on the Prairies.

and yes there is definitely sucking up to HenHouse. She definitely has a good life. It was also interesting when she disappeared from blogging and then resurfaced on IG. Entire new look and dramatic weight loss. Always made me think she'd had bariatric surgery and waited for the wait loss to be dramatic enough to get an entire new wardrobe.