I’ve been reading all the threads and I’m literally so happy I found them. I thought it was always strange how much she talks about herself in such a glorified way. I’m a mom of 3 (currently pregnant with my 3rd) and I by no means am glammed up and some days wear Leggings and a tee. But what really pisses me off about her is how she pretty much degrades moms who are like that. Always talking about there isn’t an excuse to not have makeup on. Like hello a lot of us much rather have our kids up and ready, fed, and dressed than ourselves. She is so far up her own ass that she’s delusional as to what she actually looks like. Her poor kids seem like they lack discipline and an education and all she teaches them bullshit that no toddler should worry about. Like don’t steal boyfriends or snitches get stitches. I just don’t understand how she doesn’t get called out by family or friends