None of her makeup ever looks good. She made her cousin look terrible on her prom. The hair style
what was that?
Back in 09 that style was kind of acceptable, now? No. I saw someone get the same style for their wedding and it was TERRIBLE.
The right hairstylist will make their clients beautiful, not like a washed up.
This is another thing, Oliva evolved her look. She still is her spunky self but her makeup is better and so is her style.
All JS cast has changed their looks, look at Snooki. A mom of three, works out, owns her own business and has changed her style and makeup constantly to keep up with the trends.
But here we have Tracy still attempting to rock a 2000 look with the smokey eye and ratty hair. She reminds me of the women who peeked in the 80s still rocking the teased bangs and under eye liner