Hi everyone. I’ve debated on ever speaking up out this for the longest time. You could pay me to ever bring me to any of her social media pages to even dm her to bring myself the closure but here I am. Last year I typed in Tracy DiMarco Bully, and I saw a thread from this page. If only you guys knew how evil and heartless she can actually get you would be shocked I couldn’t bring myself to even look at Tracy’s page for years after how bad she treated me. But I have the courage to get my closure and share. Hoping maybe she will see this. I don’t think she’s changed and she is still the aggressive woman as she was over 12 years ago. Tracy is narcissistic and aggressive. As I’ve said this happened over 12 years ago. I can only speak for how she was back then and how bad she was to me. Anyone who knew Tracy then knew how aggressive and scary she was. You look at her wrong and she would get aggressive. I was very quiet, and a very easy target. To cut the story short. She bullied me to the point of hysteria. I was already an abused young woman. My parents used to beat me as a child, I was scared enough of the world and she pushed me over the edge. I tried committing su*icde in my closet by hanging myself after being harassed by Tracy. She terrified me. Lucky my sister found me. But if anyone knows how evil she can get, she showed no mercy. I did nothing to her. I don’t know how she acts now. All I know is how she was. I took a look at her page to debate dming her for closure but I could bring myself to do it. From what i see she is just as grotesque, hyper sexualised and twisted in her behaviour as she was when we were young. This Italian persona she puts on is all a lie. Maybe someone in her family may have Italian roots but the Maloneys are far from Italian, anyone who knows them knows that. It’s so disgusting. She wears the cornicello? Why Tracy. You are the one people need to protect themselves from, not you. You’re the evil one.
I pray your children never have to meet someone like you, or get treated like how you treated others. I don’t think you see how bad you treat people. How bad you treat yourself. You are sociopathic maybe even a psychopath. You show every symptom. It shows by the lifetime of risky behaviour you partake in. You act out sexually, aggressively. You are a bully. No cornicello or Instagram facade will protect you for so long. The truth will come out. And your little friends, they were just as a bad. I hope you see the damage you’ve done to people around you. And that you get help, because by the looks of your page I doubt you have self reflected.