What tacky bullshit will she be giving us?? Lmaooo this is left under the boudoir lady's page
My eyes are hurting already
I can see her in her bedazzled sheer bikini she ordered with her Yankees cap and fake bejeweled timbs.
Now this leads me to sound off once again.
Where are your kids' birthday photo shoots? ---Not that it has to be a thing, but if given the choice, my kids would get one before me any day.
Where was all this planning for their birthday? She has a whole outfit, photo shoot, vendors for cake, decration, venue, etc lined up.
Get a damn life. Where the hell are her priorities? I can understand if it was a milestone birthday 40, 50 - even then would be a bit much when she doesnt do anything for the kids. Grow the hell up!!!!!
It is impossible that people defend her and say what a good mom she is, she is always with them, she is superwoman , everyone admires her strength, she deserves everything blah blah blah
Mind you we conclude her neglet for her children on what SHE posts HERSELF. Imagine the things that she does(doesn't do) behind the scenes.
She is such a self centered , spoiled , entitled, heartless
witch. She is NOT a good mother in any way shape or form. She does NOTHING for them. The 2 trips to the pumpkin patch do not redeem her from the
tit person she is.
From the time I was pregnant with my first and anyone asked me what I wanted for my bday , xmas , etc, I would always say get something for the baby , not me.
My babies' birthday was always a big thing in our house at every age. Mine would be just a simple bday dinner , nothing more. I never wanted anything big. My focus was and still is my kids.
She is true trash. She always will be. Her family and friends that condone this are just as much trash.