Who's gonna tell delusional, fake spiritual, fake astrology, buffalo whale barbie that if he was truly her sOuLmAtE, her 3 kids and not wanting more would not be enough to break a literal SOUL tie
I love how it goes from "3 kids is enough she's done with the baby stage" to "she'll have a kid if they adopt or do surrogacy." So in conclusion she just doesn't want to be physically pregnant again because she's spent all this time and money on beauty procedures to lose weight and her physical appearance is top priority, even over her kids having electricity. It's not life getting in the way of them being "meant to be" it's her selfish, narcissism because they're NOT meant to be
Also, I'm amazed you guys found him so quickly and easily
"NoBoDy WiLl EvEr FiNd WhO hE iS"