LMAOOO y’all someone post a side by side of her HIGHLY photoshopped post of her ass w a side by side of the screen shot from the video. Girls ass is a pancake that got run over by an 18 wheeler. #roadkill #flatnwideevenfromtheside
Also.. fifty bucks says the reason she’s posting trying to promo the chicks makeup class is because
told the makeup girl she’s an iNfLuEnCeR and that if she pays T to be her “model” she’ll fill the seats easily. I can see big T now: “I have over half a million followers, anyone who hires me for promo sees an increase in sales, your seats will fill ASAP no worries”
it’s 100% crickets. No one is buying those tickets at that crazy price. It’s a sales scheme to say “limited seating available tickets selling fast!” To try get people to buy. This makeup chick paid/is gonna pay big T and I bet she’s sold max ten tickets and those tickets are probably the makeup chicks friends / family just supporting.