Full of Baloney
VIP Member
I can agree a little but just a little lol. Outside of Julian being born deaf I believe she's a victim of all her bad decisions so I can only feel so bad because even she claims to have ignored red flags.In no way am I defending Tracy. I can imagine the struggle she was going through at this time in her life. I've seen her respond with this answer many times so I'm thinking finding whatever out a week after Julian was born is probably true. And at that time she found out Julian was deaf in both ears as well. I don't think her or Corey is the “better”parent/person. I think they BOTH need to grow up and focus on their kids and get real jobs already.
You'd think having all that bad tit happen to her would humble her but nope it actually made her worse. She is continuing to make poor decisions and thinks her tit doesn't stink. I also don't believe she has sought therapy throughout all this which I understand is a personal choice but if you're not going to help yourself then I don't feel bad.
The other part of this is she invited women into their bedroom for threesomes. If she's okay with him fkin someone in front of her what's the dam difference if he's fkin someone without her. At the end of the day sex is sex. One could argue she trusted him not to do that without her around but my thoughts on that are good luck lol. Especially if you're not giving it up for months and months and the relationship has been suffering even outside of sex. Not for nothing and I know this might come off mean and giving him an excuse but what did she think would happen. He's human just like her. I know dam well if he was putting her through hell emotionally and not touching her for months I have no doubt in my mind she would have done the same. Only difference is females don't have to pay for sex.
I know I'm rambling but if he was only seeking sex workers I believe that is very telling. Men like them because there's no strings attached. Personally I think it would be way more fkd up if he was carrying on a whole affair. To my knowledge he wasn't. He's just a young guy with needs. I know I know it sounds like I'm giving him an excuse but I truly believe that's just reality. How long should a married man or woman go without attention/sex from their spouse/partner? If he's telling the truth the interesting question here is why wasn't she giving him any nookie for months. I know she was pregnant which is 9 months but I can't imagine even with a difficult pregnancy not giving it up for 6 months or more especially with her being Mrs sexual feine and goddess. There is just so many layers to all this in my opinion and I really struggle to have sympathy for her.