Tracy DiMarco #135 Big Back Maloney, Scared Sorry, and the Kohl’s Promise Ring

hey ladies! haven't been in here in over a year wow ..... so i tried to catch up, but it's too much mess

I have to comment on that santa letter - that is a child in distress. From experience both as a child AND working with at risk kids in my adulthood....if a child's Christmas letter revolves around housing/parental relationships it's because that's the center of distress:cry:

I'm sure between Tracy and her family being very image/status oriented (marriage focused mindset)....coupled with Jayden thinking a husband will fix her mom

Also Tracy's family is likely why she's this way. A LOT of women have families that don't care about them being happy/healthy and are more focused on the woman having a man to "taken care of".
Many families sadly want to pawn women off on these men and don't think highly enough of the women to think she is better off single. They'll encourage you to date 100 bad men before ever being single

I'm married, unless it's part of the convo I have NEVER made men the focus of my convos with young girls. My sister confronted me when she was 16 because she thought I was hiding my now husand.
I was like no....I just don't put emphasis on men unless the convo is about them and don't want to influence you by constantly "my man my man" blabber

My sisters, cousins, nieces and so on have NEVER heard me complain about being single on the occasions I was single. Yet alone complain about being unwed. They tell me to this day that me being lowkey and never even speaking much about my relationships had a profound effect on them.
We are taught from birth to center around men and Tracy is definitely a product of that so this a is deep rooted issue. She needs to change for her kids so they can have an example of real independence 😞

Independence from men means mental and emotional freedom/control. Finance is important but without mental and physical freedom, you will forever be bowing to men even if you are a rich woman.
Look at Khloe Kardashian. Has more money than most of us and resources for therapy - but is forever at the mercy of men because her family raised her to center around men/marriage
Image coaching your kids into saying some bullshit like this.
Imagine posting this tit and not seeing a problem. Horrific.

How many nights they having free pizza? So many sugary drinks/snacks. She’s setting the girls up to be so body conscious like her. She’s so focused on a man, she doesn’t care that he’s a walking red flag and not cute at all.

The whole promise ring and not even living together blows my mind.
Her behavior shows her daughters that as long as you have a man/husband, you are winning. If not, you are losing.

Getting a man =
• starting a business
• being happy
• going to the movies
• free pizza

Being single =
• Vibrator ads and Netflix
• Being at bars or the lake every night
• “Take my photo while I pretend to grab the phone”

It’s no wonder Jayden wants her mom to get married. Their reality is altered when Tracy is on the hunt for a man vs when she’s playing house with one.
What a sick twisted individual…her daughter definitely has a learning disability to be writing like that…I have some experience in that department…she is so worried about having a man and making sure her son is a man who raised her??? She is disgusting as a human to neglect her kids for her own gain. Trust me all her nastiness is not going to help her in any way. What a pig!
Holy tit. I couldn’t really decipher the note but after learning what it said I feel so bad for Jayden. These kids have Tracy’s entire mental state on their shoulders and thats bleeping shameful.

I hope Tara can get custody of those kids so they have a shot at a good childhood. They’ll likely still need therapy but at least they can start to grow up healthy. I can never imaging putting that on any kids in my life and showing that on social media for the world to see. PATHETIC TRACY! YOU ARE SICK!
Her profile🙄🙄🙄


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hey ladies! haven't been in here in over a year wow ..... so i tried to catch up, but it's too much mess

I have to comment on that santa letter - that is a child in distress. From experience both as a child AND working with at risk kids in my adulthood....if a child's Christmas letter revolves around housing/parental relationships it's because that's the center of distress:cry:

I'm sure between Tracy and her family being very image/status oriented (marriage focused mindset)....coupled with Jayden thinking a husband will fix her mom

Also Tracy's family is likely why she's this way. A LOT of women have families that don't care about them being happy/healthy and are more focused on the woman having a man to "taken care of".
Many families sadly want to pawn women off on these men and don't think highly enough of the women to think she is better off single. They'll encourage you to date 100 bad men before ever being single

I'm married, unless it's part of the convo I have NEVER made men the focus of my convos with young girls. My sister confronted me when she was 16 because she thought I was hiding my now husand.
I was like no....I just don't put emphasis on men unless the convo is about them and don't want to influence you by constantly "my man my man" blabber

My sisters, cousins, nieces and so on have NEVER heard me complain about being single on the occasions I was single. Yet alone complain about being unwed. They tell me to this day that me being lowkey and never even speaking much about my relationships had a profound effect on them.
We are taught from birth to center around men and Tracy is definitely a product of that so this a is deep rooted issue. She needs to change for her kids so they can have an example of real independence 😞

Independence from men means mental and emotional freedom/control. Finance is important but without mental and physical freedom, you will forever be bowing to men even if you are a rich woman.
Look at Khloe Kardashian. Has more money than most of us and resources for therapy - but is forever at the mercy of men because her family raised her to center around men/marriage
Difference between Khloe and Tracy… Khloe has found true happiness in parenting and nobody in that family is more jealous of that than Kim. A better example would have to be Kourtney who has always changed everything about herself based on the man she is with.
You’re right there are definitely families that would encourage dating tons of bad men rather than being single, but I don’t think that’s the case with Tracy’s family because they would have been at her wedding if it was based on just getting a husband, especially when you factor in how hurt her mother was over the whole situation when it came to Corey and Tracy getting married and that she willingly warmed up to Corey where as Mark seems to have always given Corey the you’re beneath me attitude. Personally, I think Tracy’s need for a man is rooted in Daddy issues. I think to a degree Tracy still has an Electra Complex, hence why even when her mom was unable to go to Aruba, Tracy looked and dressed more like her father’s third wife rather than his daughter.

Tracy all of a sudden being about her school and the PTO gives me the huge ICK. Like girl, you are such trash, it’s so embarrassing for her kids.
Performative at best.
Difference between Khloe and Tracy… Khloe has found true happiness in parenting and nobody in that family is more jealous of that than Kim. A better example would have to be Kourtney who has always changed everything about herself based on the man she is with.
You’re right there are definitely families that would encourage dating tons of bad men rather than being single, but I don’t think that’s the case with Tracy’s family because they would have been at her wedding if it was based on just getting a husband, especially when you factor in how hurt her mother was over the whole situation when it came to Corey and Tracy getting married and that she willingly warmed up to Corey where as Mark seems to have always given Corey the you’re beneath me attitude. Personally, I think Tracy’s need for a man is rooted in Daddy issues. I think to a degree Tracy still has an Electra Complex, hence why even when her mom was unable to go to Aruba, Tracy looked and dressed more like her father’s third wife rather than his daughter.

Performative at best.
You're not wrong but Khloe is my example because she just spent 8 years on a man who crept on her little sisters bestfriend, had an outside baby, and more.
All those sisters are a perfect example but Khloe is the "tough" "strong" one like Tracy deems herself to be

Kourtney refused to marry Scott while Kris harassed her for 2 seasons straight, saying "you being unwed makes me look bad" "what will people think if you dont get married". Both Scott and Tristan crept on their little sisters friends when they were under 21. Then Khloe's boyfriend was in a Drake video (the one where he marries 22 women) taunting her about not wanting to marry her. All the women in that family compromise happiness and sanity for the sake of having a man - Kourtney mirrors her men, Kim has been in PR relationships for over a decade, and Khloe dates creeps for the sake of having an NBA man

I know Tracy's family skipped her wedding but I'm just theorizing. Like you said they deemed Corey as beneath them. Given what she said about growing up in country clubs, having beach houses, and her parents being able to support her financially - I still believe if Corey was a millionaire they would've warmed up way sooner.
Her new boyfriend having money is likely why they accept him so early even though it's a fresh relationship and she was JUST in a relationship with that other guy calling him the kids "dad who stepped up" "fourever" etc

Either way - it's sad Tracy obsession with marriage even to the point of making a new career around weddings is reflecting in her kids christmas letter

Also when did she break up with that last guy? and when did she hard launch the new guy? I was genuinely shocked to come in here to catch up and see it's a whole new boyfriend
Me either!!!!
Hate to say it but Skylar needs to wear a different top. She is maturing and that shirt was not appropriate for a public function.
Yes. She needs an undershirt or bralette
She thinks the weirdest things are funny and cute. Instead of a husband, Jayden should tell Santa to bring her mom a real job. Also, her handwriting should be better than that for 8 years old IMO