It's a real indicator of intellect when people brag about having expensive belongings. Being obsessed with money is vulgar and pathetic, and ironically has quite the opposite effect that these kids are going for. I dont wish ill against anyone but I can see their realities collapsing in on them when they realise that the real world does not give a tit how expensive your shoes and mattress are. I have never, ever respected someone for wearing designer labels and openly bragging about it, and I'm sure a majority of decent people havent either. It's just pathetic.
P.s. I don't want to sink too low but Towers and Stumpz (I bet you he gave himself that nickname, all the biggest bellends do) are honestly two of the most unattractive dickheads I've ever seen. Those pube beards. Those plucked eyebrows. Towers' hair that looks like his mum has cut it. Stumpz's generally very ugly face. They make my vagina curl up.