So here’s my opinion for all its worth
It’s human nature to question what we are told and it’s human nature to find holes in stories and question those and how we are answered to what we then believe, And whether the story teller is being truthful or deceptive
think to when we catch a politician out
When this poster was questioned in a way that dug further they where met with normally hostile reply’s or belittling that there celeb crush wasn’t what they thought
Only if the questions benefited the narrative do they ReSpond
The stories where in general so far fetched that the everyday person could not question there truth you had to be in the know to know
And let’s face it those in though know are not on tattle
It’s normal I guess to want to be closer to the celebs on the tv through one person even if that’s a forum on the internet than the reality of being 5/6 connections away from them and their world but I don’t think The hunger for Wanting to believe fantasy stories is the way To connect with them and the way forward
always question the stories your told and if your met with childish and hostile reply’s don’t believe a word of it
Facts and truth creates a calm story teller
Not a defensive one