Honestly, I think all marvel shows struggled with pacing. Including Hawkeye, where I thought, being it filmed last for 2021, they would learn. I am curious how Moon Knight will do (I am saving that one til it ends, or will have more episodes out).
I think only my love for sci-fi and weird made me overlook it at Loki (and partially WandaVision) but I was not a fan of the character before too much so I can say it was my favourite since it made me a fan
I could argue about the "speed" by repeating what I said before but I get not everybody just sees it the same way as I do and that is totally fine, too
But it is mostly a loud minority, sadly mostly those (not all, though) who think they know the character better than Tom who has been playing him for over a decade (and who only love that self hating, crying, hurt Loki from first Thor, ignoring the mythology and the comics that Tom is taking his inspiration from). Also, that he just *must* have a male love interest so their fanfiction fantasies could come true and when he didn´t, they decide to hate it, is also stupid.
I mean, I used to have these with some other shows, where my favourite show got spoilt by new writers (or what I thought was spoilt, I recently rewatched some of it and it seems fine lookin back) and it just was not the same but I was about 18 years old at that time (very beginnings of the internet) so I suspect these guys are the same age? Not sure. But even if it sucks when your show is spoilt or if you just don´t like it despite your favourite character or actor being in it, then just go and watch something else. It is just a TV show and to
witch about it six months later is really silly.
I mean, I love Hugh Jackman, but I am not going to pretend that everything he ever made was a pure gold (Cos some of it is really bad) and even his Wolverine was not perfect in some of X-Men movies but I am not going to cry about it. I will just watch something else with him that I know is good.
I think I am turning into a boomer because I really don´t understand this