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I know a Buddy and that seems quite normal to me, Jaime Oliver has one and Buddy Holly has made it a known name.Fine heroes and all that but you have to consider other things, like whether it’s a good name for child in London circa 2019. “Buddy” Holly suits a fifties rockstar who was as American as they come. Not this kid. Holly would genuinely have been better even for a boy.
Buzz aldrin I never even think about how weird that that’s his name. Surely short for something? Of course I, and probably most people he will ever meet, just think of Lightyear right away.
I agree they may well go the middle name route. Having to do that because your celebrity parents gave you such a ridiculous name is almost as cliche as them doing it in the first place. Hello “Zowie” Bowie who was first Joe then Duncan Jones. as ordinary as they come.
The only other Buzz I’ve heard of is Frank Skinner’s son (poor poor kid on so many levels) it’s just too trendy for me. I got the Buzz Aldrin association, but it’s not Buzz’s name. It’s just an annoying noise a bee makes.
Max, well what is that after Buzz and Buddy, a normal, very common name... so strange.