Chatty Member
All the houses down that road are expensive
Sorry I don’t get it how do I look just put in right move and the area?
It’s okay I found it. I knew the address anyway so it was easy to find. It doesn’t say how much it’s up for though and how do you know where Carrie moved ? I have also noticed they don’t mention each other much though they still like each others posts
I wonder where they are moving to in Hertfordshire.
Carrie said in video or on Instagram when she got the house that she was in walking distance to Tom and Gi. Then she started doing videos in the house and it had dome really distinctive wallpaper and a hatch from the kitchen to the dining room. The listing was still up online because she had only just bought it and people on GG found it.
Carrie got the listing taken down and got the police involved when she found out that people were looking at it.