VIP Member
TMPK #15. On a betting bender with the 'no meal prep' offender
Thread title with most votes is from me.
I win a Matchbox RS6 and some mouldy butter
- the last thread begins on Halloween with him declaring he's recognising he could be doing more. So he will. He wants to be somewhere else in six months. It coincides with his alleged 1000 days sober and RS6 delivery. In typical JtC style though he's going to mention only a few. The rest when he's completed them. How convenient. (spoiler alert - absolutely no progress spoken of) Recognising he's failing publicly all too often and instead of being real he's going to be covert .
- haters and rants are now his staple story fodder of choice. Predictable and boring
- he's been messaged by a Tattler () about weight loss injections being easier than meal prep. Despite the many thousands of messages he gets every hour, he sees this one and jumped on it and shared it. He also went over the top in slating it and putting the boot in. He also shared a link to injections because he's an idiot. But the link was to a porn site because he thinks that's an appropriate response
- back to inconsistency and vanishing and ranting into the void. Boring, repetitive and predictable
- and there's a new target female. A woman that runs a high end lingerie business. Clearly capable and successful. His remarks however are typical. Even though they've not yet met in person. She's 'smoking'. He slid into her DM's. And various other red flag phrases he's used. The peak of which was his 'I don't fancy women of my own age. I just don't. That's facts'.
- She is however his age. And she's waaaay out of his league in every way. That's facts too J. - - - That's facts, according to pound land Tate, she likes some things the real Andrew Tate says. Not exactly common ground to be proud of.
- ahead of the date he went live. He's huge. And chatting more about life than usual. Plans on going live weekly (spoiler alert - it didn't happen again)
- despite the plethora of red flags they had a date in IKEA - chosen so he can see her in good lighting and without filters. He says there's a second date despite the fact he's given her every cause to run, he continues to describe her in ways that are not nice and there being an unfollow following a silence about her and refollow . I'm guessing the path to date two has been a little rocky and uncomfortable for him .
- despite him being unable to stick to anything health and fitness for years, he's tub thumping again for one to one coaching in January. You've to email him now. Not January. And pay upfront. And be absolutely unhinged to believe this unqualified fool can help you. Go ahead. Email him. Haters are welcome too he said. You too can sit waiting in an email folder for an eternity whilst this sloth gets his tit together. I mean seriously, it's like Liz Truss selling courses on how to succeed as Prime Minister. Only the crazy need apply.
- every single dog walk rant is accompanied by the sounds of his puffing and blowing. His lung capacity is bad. He is so unfit he can't walk and talk without sounding like he's about to pass out.
- two dates later (including a grave yard walk and M calling him out for not living the meal prep lifestyle he sells ) and she's seen the light. Or the multiple red flags. Hard to know when he's being cagey about why. Story after waffling story about how they weren't aligned and he knows to call it off early so they don't waste each other's time. So the red flags it was then
- he still refuses to learn that you CAN keep things off Instasham. You've a choice. But not him though. Oh no. He shared her on stories on repeat (even with a photo of her and her dad). He was punching well above.
- the next weekend was his birthday. He said he was doing something different. Yes, but he meant a different location for a dog walk. He literally did nothing. Stayed off stories too. He also remains convinced he does not look 45. You're right John. You don't. You look 55 at least.
- and then the day after his lonely birthday he reverted to type and spiraled with his truth serum/venom coming out in the form of a Q & A after a 12 sausage muffin belly busting binge. Johnny five bellies.
- He accused M of being a lying drink driver so it was over for him as he doesn't need that. We may never know her version because the women that tangle with him stay quiet. Embarrassment?
- He then went on to say that C knows where he is if she wants him.
- a couple of days of M character assassination later and he seemed to have got over himself. He got some poison out of his system and went back to business as usual. As we know this only consists of telling everyone they can lose X stone by X date. He's been kicking the arse out of that message for years and continues.
- haters, haters, haters.
- women and dating apps are tit
- fake Q&A
- haters, haters, haters
- detailed past dating issues he's had with women and giving some iffy examples that do little more than reveal the reality of him as being the problem
- he's booked a photo shoot in Ireland next spring. Explains his vague plans for the next six months of levelling up. Nothing concrete or tangible. Only his statement that it had been bought and paid for to keep him accountable and so he wouldn't waste his money. Quite hysterical really when you consider he has admitted to cancelling holidays and plans many times in the past and they were bought and paid for too .
- RS6, haters, RS6, haters
- Tattlers keep finding awful one star reviews on Trust pilot for him. The guy that lives to give others one star reviews. Well a company responded to one of those reviews and called him out (extremely politely) for the beg he is. They pointed out in their reply that he's been trying to grift from them. Constantly embarrasses himself.
- went off the deep end with a post sharing an ITV news segment about weightloss injections being a cheat that kills people. As always he shared it out of context, without doing any research of his own and succeeded in making it into a hateful engagement post. He lives to bait and stir hate on his posts in the name of engagement.
Sure he earned about £1 towards his RS6 but it cost him followers, many calling him out.
- In his wilful ignorance he then demonstrated a syringe being used as a meal replacement. Sure, his acolytes would have lapped that up and he was feeling smug but all it did was make him look thick. Which he is. GLP1 medication, sought properly and prescribed under supervision surpresses appetite. He needed to understand that good nutrition, calorie deficit and exercise are also needed or it doesn't work. The appetite surpression allows users the space and freedom to do this, still put in the hard work and that combined achieves results. He is so thick he thinks they just melt fat
- Let's also not forget that he's the idiot that told us he took steroids illegally himself. Isn't that what cheating is John?
- promised a meal prep. Published a menu. Cancelled it - to have his birthday - because he didn't want the pressure of having to shop for the food. Promised to publish an ebook for free of the five recipes. Spoiler alert, he didn't publish it. Still hasn't. And he didn't do the meal prep the following Sunday either.
- loads of shots of him opening the patio doors and switching on the golden five metres last thing at night and first thing in the morning to rant into the void about rubbish. I'm sure the neighbours are getting heartily sick of waking up to the bright lights going on and him loudly chatting tit at stupid o'clock.
- mindless ranting about Black Friday and there being no real deals. He promised some good ones from him. 50% off etc etc. Reality check. Normally his books are £19.99 and when he has frequent sales they go down to £9.99 but recently they were calculatingly set at £11.99 so when he cut for black Friday to £9.99 and 50% off, he looked like a hero. Spoiler alert, he remains a con man and is also not doing a good deal, just like all the Con merchants he's calling out.
- it's back folks.
The crApp
New and improved is what he said. Looks to us like he's just changed all the dates from 2024 to 2025.
- 500 'lucky' early birds that buy it now can get it for only £99 and it will never be that low price ever again. Suuuuuure John. Just like you said last year.
- he's absolutely stinking of desperation. The one to ones are being heavily pushed. Perhaps and most likely because no one is taking them. He's even offering a 'lucky' customer a reimbursement of their extortionate fees paid. Catch is. He decides who will get it. Sketchy and shady practices there John. No transparency. It's got failure written all over it. Assuming of course that anyone does take it up and pays him. I wouldn't.
- time and again using his egg timer to just get life tit done. He needs focus just to do an hour or so of life admin. He is procrastination's witch and always will be
- L finally sent to the vet for spaying and him reacting to that like she's having paws removed
- randomly the TV licence people want to visit him mid month. He admits he hasn't and won't buy a license
- a fake engagement Q&A to ask why people follow him. It ain't for the meal prep that's for sure!
- sure enough all kinds of weird and wonderful comments from the faithful, blowing smoke up his ample arse about how real he is and they admire him
- the odd one said outright where's the meal prep and he was obviously in a good mood because he acknowledged he'd slacked on it and would do it soon
- the worst part though was him commenting his thoughts on the attractive ladies that responded
- he also thinks his legs are amazing because he got a couple of replies about them. Vain, sad, hairy knobber.
- Saturday Dec 7th he finally pulled his finger out of his saggy hole and wrote an email back to his enquiries for one to one coaching. Littered with mistakes, errors and not proof read at all. Written like it was from the actual King as in Charles, such was the level of self importance and pompous opening.
- it was however full of bluster, bullshit and self important rubbish. It was completely missing testimonials, qualifications and any sort of policy or guarantees.
- what it did detail was the cost. £2k up front, this month and a thirty people limit. If you lose your mind and don't mind wasting cash , you'll each get a one hour set up call and then one hour weekly zoom calls for 12 weeks for your 2k. He will also let you have his what's app mobile number so you can message him freely.
- unlikely as he is to fill the spots, he may get some takers. Let's imagine he sells them all. They'll almost pay for his Audi
- I originally saw a future where he admits defeat and takes the smaller number that are clearly crazy and have money to waste or he has to discount the cost to fill them all up. That would piss the original takers off if they had paid £2k plus a few more one star reviews coming to the TMPK Trust pilot page soon after
- however, later on the 7th he posted on insta sham the truth. Someone has replied to his email for coaching saying C is both cheaper and better and has a new boyfriend helping her with her successful business
- this reply sent him on a crying spiral. He'd wanted to drink but had been betting instead. He was £10k down in a day and posted about it all.
- he decided the next day to go shopping for breakfast and then he would give away a coaching place for free.
- by tea time he's gone with what I personally think was plan B all along if there were no coaching takers. Join his app for *£129, 500 places available and he will coach his chosen ten for free. Puppet master JTC pulling the strings and guess what? Yep, it adds up to the same £60k as 30 clients paying for coaching
- a couple of quiet days to end the thread with crappy posts about making moves and motivation etc him hidden away but zero details on how or what he's doing though he did admit that he's not been eating well and not touched a vegetable in weeks.
- interesting to note he is approaching each platform differently. Instasham is getting waffle and a lot of talking bollocks as well as what he thinks is motivational. Tiktok is random. He's mostly ignored there to the point where he's embarrassed and is deleting posts that do badly. Facebook numbers have grown since he reclaimed his account. He's posting there again. He's not posting the same things to all platforms. He is however still being vile to females in comments and on their insta so the faithful don't see him do it
- late night shameless hairy leg post yet he's talking about an engagement trap for how you sleep. Absolutely desperate for female interactions and despite the fact he was out of breath like he's just run a marathon despite him just talking whilst lying down he seems to still think he's a great catch, looks younger than he is and has a great head of hair. That he inexplicably keeps wearing a woolly hat to cover. Delulu.
Number of meal preps done during the course of the thread - absolutely sod all - 0
Words he simply cannot leave out of any sentence in his dots of doom.
Literally - absolutely - 10000000%
Words that he (a best selling author don't you know)often throws around but still can't correctly use in a sentence.
Ill - Procrastinate - pergola (paragola)
Words that he will never ever use:
Sorry - Alcoholic - Therapy
A compilation of forgotten intentions or rarely mentioned to the point of deliverables.
10k meal prep book give away to the NHS
1 million followers 'give away'
Self published fourth book
Online Qualified nutrition - still no sign of the certificate
Mentoring a family
121 support @ £2000 a head
Building his own home in the Highlands
Meal prep outlets
New purchasing decisions that made stories but will/have faded away in due course:
Ferrari/Second Rolex/Campervan of his own
Canada goose coat/Buying multiple houses
Thread title with most votes is from me.
I win a Matchbox RS6 and some mouldy butter
- the last thread begins on Halloween with him declaring he's recognising he could be doing more. So he will. He wants to be somewhere else in six months. It coincides with his alleged 1000 days sober and RS6 delivery. In typical JtC style though he's going to mention only a few. The rest when he's completed them. How convenient. (spoiler alert - absolutely no progress spoken of) Recognising he's failing publicly all too often and instead of being real he's going to be covert .
- haters and rants are now his staple story fodder of choice. Predictable and boring
- he's been messaged by a Tattler () about weight loss injections being easier than meal prep. Despite the many thousands of messages he gets every hour, he sees this one and jumped on it and shared it. He also went over the top in slating it and putting the boot in. He also shared a link to injections because he's an idiot. But the link was to a porn site because he thinks that's an appropriate response
- back to inconsistency and vanishing and ranting into the void. Boring, repetitive and predictable
- and there's a new target female. A woman that runs a high end lingerie business. Clearly capable and successful. His remarks however are typical. Even though they've not yet met in person. She's 'smoking'. He slid into her DM's. And various other red flag phrases he's used. The peak of which was his 'I don't fancy women of my own age. I just don't. That's facts'.
- She is however his age. And she's waaaay out of his league in every way. That's facts too J. - - - That's facts, according to pound land Tate, she likes some things the real Andrew Tate says. Not exactly common ground to be proud of.
- ahead of the date he went live. He's huge. And chatting more about life than usual. Plans on going live weekly (spoiler alert - it didn't happen again)
- despite the plethora of red flags they had a date in IKEA - chosen so he can see her in good lighting and without filters. He says there's a second date despite the fact he's given her every cause to run, he continues to describe her in ways that are not nice and there being an unfollow following a silence about her and refollow . I'm guessing the path to date two has been a little rocky and uncomfortable for him .
- despite him being unable to stick to anything health and fitness for years, he's tub thumping again for one to one coaching in January. You've to email him now. Not January. And pay upfront. And be absolutely unhinged to believe this unqualified fool can help you. Go ahead. Email him. Haters are welcome too he said. You too can sit waiting in an email folder for an eternity whilst this sloth gets his tit together. I mean seriously, it's like Liz Truss selling courses on how to succeed as Prime Minister. Only the crazy need apply.
- every single dog walk rant is accompanied by the sounds of his puffing and blowing. His lung capacity is bad. He is so unfit he can't walk and talk without sounding like he's about to pass out.
- two dates later (including a grave yard walk and M calling him out for not living the meal prep lifestyle he sells ) and she's seen the light. Or the multiple red flags. Hard to know when he's being cagey about why. Story after waffling story about how they weren't aligned and he knows to call it off early so they don't waste each other's time. So the red flags it was then
- he still refuses to learn that you CAN keep things off Instasham. You've a choice. But not him though. Oh no. He shared her on stories on repeat (even with a photo of her and her dad). He was punching well above.
- the next weekend was his birthday. He said he was doing something different. Yes, but he meant a different location for a dog walk. He literally did nothing. Stayed off stories too. He also remains convinced he does not look 45. You're right John. You don't. You look 55 at least.
- and then the day after his lonely birthday he reverted to type and spiraled with his truth serum/venom coming out in the form of a Q & A after a 12 sausage muffin belly busting binge. Johnny five bellies.
- He accused M of being a lying drink driver so it was over for him as he doesn't need that. We may never know her version because the women that tangle with him stay quiet. Embarrassment?
- He then went on to say that C knows where he is if she wants him.
- a couple of days of M character assassination later and he seemed to have got over himself. He got some poison out of his system and went back to business as usual. As we know this only consists of telling everyone they can lose X stone by X date. He's been kicking the arse out of that message for years and continues.
- haters, haters, haters.
- women and dating apps are tit
- fake Q&A
- haters, haters, haters
- detailed past dating issues he's had with women and giving some iffy examples that do little more than reveal the reality of him as being the problem
- he's booked a photo shoot in Ireland next spring. Explains his vague plans for the next six months of levelling up. Nothing concrete or tangible. Only his statement that it had been bought and paid for to keep him accountable and so he wouldn't waste his money. Quite hysterical really when you consider he has admitted to cancelling holidays and plans many times in the past and they were bought and paid for too .
- RS6, haters, RS6, haters
- Tattlers keep finding awful one star reviews on Trust pilot for him. The guy that lives to give others one star reviews. Well a company responded to one of those reviews and called him out (extremely politely) for the beg he is. They pointed out in their reply that he's been trying to grift from them. Constantly embarrasses himself.
- went off the deep end with a post sharing an ITV news segment about weightloss injections being a cheat that kills people. As always he shared it out of context, without doing any research of his own and succeeded in making it into a hateful engagement post. He lives to bait and stir hate on his posts in the name of engagement.
Sure he earned about £1 towards his RS6 but it cost him followers, many calling him out.
- In his wilful ignorance he then demonstrated a syringe being used as a meal replacement. Sure, his acolytes would have lapped that up and he was feeling smug but all it did was make him look thick. Which he is. GLP1 medication, sought properly and prescribed under supervision surpresses appetite. He needed to understand that good nutrition, calorie deficit and exercise are also needed or it doesn't work. The appetite surpression allows users the space and freedom to do this, still put in the hard work and that combined achieves results. He is so thick he thinks they just melt fat
- Let's also not forget that he's the idiot that told us he took steroids illegally himself. Isn't that what cheating is John?
- promised a meal prep. Published a menu. Cancelled it - to have his birthday - because he didn't want the pressure of having to shop for the food. Promised to publish an ebook for free of the five recipes. Spoiler alert, he didn't publish it. Still hasn't. And he didn't do the meal prep the following Sunday either.
- loads of shots of him opening the patio doors and switching on the golden five metres last thing at night and first thing in the morning to rant into the void about rubbish. I'm sure the neighbours are getting heartily sick of waking up to the bright lights going on and him loudly chatting tit at stupid o'clock.
- mindless ranting about Black Friday and there being no real deals. He promised some good ones from him. 50% off etc etc. Reality check. Normally his books are £19.99 and when he has frequent sales they go down to £9.99 but recently they were calculatingly set at £11.99 so when he cut for black Friday to £9.99 and 50% off, he looked like a hero. Spoiler alert, he remains a con man and is also not doing a good deal, just like all the Con merchants he's calling out.
- it's back folks.
The crApp
New and improved is what he said. Looks to us like he's just changed all the dates from 2024 to 2025.
- 500 'lucky' early birds that buy it now can get it for only £99 and it will never be that low price ever again. Suuuuuure John. Just like you said last year.
- he's absolutely stinking of desperation. The one to ones are being heavily pushed. Perhaps and most likely because no one is taking them. He's even offering a 'lucky' customer a reimbursement of their extortionate fees paid. Catch is. He decides who will get it. Sketchy and shady practices there John. No transparency. It's got failure written all over it. Assuming of course that anyone does take it up and pays him. I wouldn't.
- time and again using his egg timer to just get life tit done. He needs focus just to do an hour or so of life admin. He is procrastination's witch and always will be
- L finally sent to the vet for spaying and him reacting to that like she's having paws removed
- randomly the TV licence people want to visit him mid month. He admits he hasn't and won't buy a license
- a fake engagement Q&A to ask why people follow him. It ain't for the meal prep that's for sure!
- sure enough all kinds of weird and wonderful comments from the faithful, blowing smoke up his ample arse about how real he is and they admire him
- the odd one said outright where's the meal prep and he was obviously in a good mood because he acknowledged he'd slacked on it and would do it soon
- the worst part though was him commenting his thoughts on the attractive ladies that responded
- he also thinks his legs are amazing because he got a couple of replies about them. Vain, sad, hairy knobber.
- Saturday Dec 7th he finally pulled his finger out of his saggy hole and wrote an email back to his enquiries for one to one coaching. Littered with mistakes, errors and not proof read at all. Written like it was from the actual King as in Charles, such was the level of self importance and pompous opening.
- it was however full of bluster, bullshit and self important rubbish. It was completely missing testimonials, qualifications and any sort of policy or guarantees.
- what it did detail was the cost. £2k up front, this month and a thirty people limit. If you lose your mind and don't mind wasting cash , you'll each get a one hour set up call and then one hour weekly zoom calls for 12 weeks for your 2k. He will also let you have his what's app mobile number so you can message him freely.
- unlikely as he is to fill the spots, he may get some takers. Let's imagine he sells them all. They'll almost pay for his Audi
- I originally saw a future where he admits defeat and takes the smaller number that are clearly crazy and have money to waste or he has to discount the cost to fill them all up. That would piss the original takers off if they had paid £2k plus a few more one star reviews coming to the TMPK Trust pilot page soon after
- however, later on the 7th he posted on insta sham the truth. Someone has replied to his email for coaching saying C is both cheaper and better and has a new boyfriend helping her with her successful business
- this reply sent him on a crying spiral. He'd wanted to drink but had been betting instead. He was £10k down in a day and posted about it all.
- he decided the next day to go shopping for breakfast and then he would give away a coaching place for free.
- by tea time he's gone with what I personally think was plan B all along if there were no coaching takers. Join his app for *£129, 500 places available and he will coach his chosen ten for free. Puppet master JTC pulling the strings and guess what? Yep, it adds up to the same £60k as 30 clients paying for coaching
- a couple of quiet days to end the thread with crappy posts about making moves and motivation etc him hidden away but zero details on how or what he's doing though he did admit that he's not been eating well and not touched a vegetable in weeks.
- interesting to note he is approaching each platform differently. Instasham is getting waffle and a lot of talking bollocks as well as what he thinks is motivational. Tiktok is random. He's mostly ignored there to the point where he's embarrassed and is deleting posts that do badly. Facebook numbers have grown since he reclaimed his account. He's posting there again. He's not posting the same things to all platforms. He is however still being vile to females in comments and on their insta so the faithful don't see him do it
- late night shameless hairy leg post yet he's talking about an engagement trap for how you sleep. Absolutely desperate for female interactions and despite the fact he was out of breath like he's just run a marathon despite him just talking whilst lying down he seems to still think he's a great catch, looks younger than he is and has a great head of hair. That he inexplicably keeps wearing a woolly hat to cover. Delulu.
Number of meal preps done during the course of the thread - absolutely sod all - 0
Words he simply cannot leave out of any sentence in his dots of doom.
Literally - absolutely - 10000000%
Words that he (a best selling author don't you know)often throws around but still can't correctly use in a sentence.
Ill - Procrastinate - pergola (paragola)
Words that he will never ever use:
Sorry - Alcoholic - Therapy
A compilation of forgotten intentions or rarely mentioned to the point of deliverables.
10k meal prep book give away to the NHS
1 million followers 'give away'
Self published fourth book
Online Qualified nutrition - still no sign of the certificate
Mentoring a family
121 support @ £2000 a head
Building his own home in the Highlands
Meal prep outlets
New purchasing decisions that made stories but will/have faded away in due course:
Ferrari/Second Rolex/Campervan of his own
Canada goose coat/Buying multiple houses
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