TiffanyThinks #38 Tiffany jingles all the way…to the bank

I’m betting she won’t give the results before Xmas . she will say she isn’t going to read or deal with them before Xmas (even though she already knows them) so that she can enjoy Xmas and drag it out. I’m betting she takes a few weeks off after vlogmas just enough to whip her rats into worrying and begging for an update

It's hard to call given her abject manipulation of everything.

She set it up this evening on whatever day she filmed the fact that she was getting results on Christmas Eve (2 days after flog 22 which is flog 24) but she blanks out most of the time and doesn't know what they are telling her anyway.

She'll just say sure everyone knows she doesn't post in real time.

She will use the family to post 'Christmas Eve' in any event no matter what rewwwulsts are.

I don't even care what she says her results are as I am so over her deception.

I suspect as usual it will be a fudge - nothing much has changed. Maybe a bit of ablation or radiation in the new year.

All is as it was on Tiffany Maurice- Christy's fantasy Island.

The money will be in the bank from Flogmas so not two balls of we got this blue will she give.

£££££££ made so she'll be resting her buddy 🙄
As predicted they wheeled out Matt's token family member - Victoria.

According to herself she gets rewwulsts in 2 days, so Christmas Eve then again according to herself.
Results on Christmas Eve 😂🤣 She is getting more sloppy. Maybe subconsciously she wants to get caught.
Results on Christmas Eve 😂🤣 She is getting more sloppy. Maybe subconsciously she wants to get caught.

As usual she has just run out of road.

But she doesn't care.

She will splice and dice to suit herself as she always does.

* Sure I've told you all I don't post in rweelll time.

* I need to rest my buddy.

* I've blanked out

* Vlogmas & Cancer go hand in hand

* I need to put myself furst

I hope after the next three 23, 24 and 25 days of Flogmas and her £££££££ made she just fucks off.

She is emotionally draining. Narcissistic deviants always are.
Tiffany if you read this: I just read the transcript for today’s video and what you said about understanding stage 4 and good news from your doctors. Good news from your doctor is slow growth or no growth in your mets. Stability is a wonderful/joyful outcome in metastatic cancer.

If you hope for a miraculous “no evidence of disease” finding you will not do better in terms of mental health or cancer progression. Having a positive attitude is good for your mental health, but being unrealistic about possible treatment results will set you up for repeated disappointment and numbness.

The revolution in science for cancer treatment is controlling the disease in order to extend a patient’s life and quality of life. There are many types of cancer and a cure that works for all of them is not likely. If even one cure for one cancer is found in our lifetime we will be very lucky.
today i was watching people who fake cancer on yt..

I just realized she has the same cancer as Jenny Apple did? Jenny received bad news after bad news it was soul crushing..Tiffany just seems so upbeat. I'm certainly not suggesting anything so please don't come for me.
I just realized she has the same cancer as Jenny Apple did? Jenny received bad news after bad news it was soul crushing..Tiffany just seems so upbeat. I'm certainly not suggesting anything so please don't come for me.
Nooo, Tiffany has colorectal cancer (low rectal adenocarcinoma) and Jenny had lung cancer (non small cell). But both are adenocarcinomas. Tiffany is an enigma.