Make sense of it!
VIP Member
I viewed the title and got out my tiny violins . You are correct she was always at or in the Hospital. Let's be real cancer was the best thing that ever happened to Tiffany Thinks!!She is putting her buddy, her mind and herself first for a change again.
She can't let those who watch just to hate on her annoy her (us prob, TS, MK etc etc etc).
She can't let us annoy her as she is soooo wonderful and it is those who get annoyed just being assholes (summary).
Nothing of course to do with her manipulating vulnerable people, being a liar and using cancer for money. It's all us!!
Yet ANOTHER piece of furniture was returned after assembly as it was "on the wonk" and her and Judith could not have anything in the flat that was on the wonk - at least that's what I think she said. The alternative it not a pleasant thought.
Just more drivel.
Oh, and please go and get yourself checked out if you think there is something wrong with your buddy. She wishes she had!!!!
What?? She was never away from the bleeping doctor between operations and tests.
She really does try and re write history every time!!!
This was a priceless read, the reference to suckling, Carrots and Blue balls has me in tearsTrigger warning: Light gutter talk follows.
Midway through this mouth-ticking 'tut' behaviour, I am noticing that she is clicking her lips in just about every sentence. This is cringe and irritating for me and also for others. (Hey, Tiffany, are you too used to having HA's mini-carrot in your trap and sucking his pair of blue shriveled ones that you keep sucking when you talk and tut? LEARN to talk properly and STOP PRETENDING that you have an infant PACIFIER in your mouth and stop with the SUCKING noise!! If I were a customer in front of you, I would imitate you and YOU would feel embarrassed and LEARN to talk properly without sucking. Your mom has really NOT raised you properly at all. You are a spoiled, entitled brat, and always will be, cancer or not!!)
Also, in the first few minutes, she talks about parking UP. Why doesn't she just say 'parking' instead of parking UP?? Ok, so she's all parked UP, and all SCREWED UP too. She likes the UP, but where HA! is concerned, I'm pretty sure she's really DOWN, if you know what I mean. That's why, psychologically, she wants to insert the UP word everywhere. She imagines that she is UP, she wants to be UP, so she parks UP, and does everything UP.....She also wants Matt's carrot UP HERS, but, where-oh-where would that be? She has nowhere for it to go other than her suckling trap of a mouth. What a deformation of language!
Oh, and Matt made little 'balls' of something for a snack, and she did smirk when she said the word 'balls'. Then, she eats one of those brown balls on video. She said a small 'mmm' when she had the 'ball' Matt made in her mouth. Then, she parks UP again as she goes to see her family. She has to know that the word 'balls' in reference to Matt is hilarious, given that his are BLUE and not BROWN like what she had in that ball-sucking trap of hers.
VERY IMPORTANT: PLEASE forward to 28:38 of the video 'Wish I Was Diagnosed Earlier'
It sounds like Matt was FLATULENT a few seconds later. Why didn't she edit that out! LOLOLOL
Well, I guess those brown BALLS Matt made just didn't agree with his own little gastro-blue-ball system at all!
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