To @bettablue2660: Tiffany is living life as well as possible given her medical condition. She has a house and lives in a flat with her boyfriend. She goes out to restaurants. She goes on vacations any time she and Matt can manage. She lives close enough to family that she is able to visit often, and vice versa. Tiffany buys the clothes she wants, eats the foods she wants (regardless of whether the foods are good for her or not), gets her nails done, gets her eyebrows done, and has her own car.
Tiffany can and does take days off from work at will.
What more should Tiffany be doing that she isn't already doing? People writing that Tiffany should be living her 'best life' (or similar wording) need to state specifically what Tiffany should be doing that she isn't, independent of changing diet or getting some exercise, which are health tips. (She could have explained her health situation better, but that isn't in the realm of her living her best life. That's for the audience, and Tiffany treats audience as income.) Where only Tiffany is concerned, she is living a very comfortable, cozy life with financial security.