There is something odd about that 'View Source' page. When it was a simple matter of tagging, I think it was clear what was being tagged, and no Youtuber is explicitly being tagged in this particular video of Tiffany's: The references to Jenny Apple do not seem to be in a tagged format. This is important but a bit tedious to talk about. There is no line saying 'Keyword = " followed by names of channels.
In this past hour, I just viewed the source page of the 'No Sunday Video' by Tiffanythinks. I also found references to Jenny Apple:
{"accessibilityData":{"label":"Going Live-Just Saying Hi-Updates by Jenny Apple 32,458 views Streamed 10 hours ago 1 hour, 20 minutes"}},"simpleText":"Going Live-Just Saying Hi-Updates"},"longBylineText":{"runs":[{"text":"Jenny Apple","navigationEndpoint":{"clickTrackingParams":"CLsBEKQwGAoiEwji15PO5aiEAxUIK_EFHVwhA1MyB3JlbGF0ZWQ=","commandMetadata":{"webCommandMetadata":{"url":"/@jennyapple4704","webPageType":"WEB_PAGE_TYPE_CHANNEL","rootVe":3611,"apiUrl":"/youtubei/v1/browse"}},"brow ...
Curiously enough, the most recent video by Kyle Apple on Jenny's channel is 'Going Live-Just Saying Hi-Updates" by Jenny Apple (the channel) which has about 33K views now. This leads me to the following hypothesis:
All of the references to Jenny Apple's videos in the source code that Lil_Brissy showed are what TIFFANY is/was watching recently. In other words, Tiffany was watching the "I am Dying' video and others by Jenny Apple while logged into her Tiffanythinks account on Youtube. Tiffany isn't tagging Jenny Apple here. Tiffany is WATCHING Jenny Apple's videos. And, if I am correct, she has just watched or been prompted to watch Kyle's recent update. Tiffany is scared rat-less about metastasis, and that is a huge scare.