Catching up a likkle bit and throwing out some thoughts.
It's pretty evident that Dumb and Dumber read here. A recent example was when the fat hairy guy at the Bath house got his face in the camera and pretended that HA was learning/speaking Tamil. He thinks he's smart but at the rate he's going he's going to go kaput! with a heart attack before he's 50. And HA! now squeaking out the odd tamil word for her flog. This just days after it being written on here about Matt not fitting in with her family's culture, language etc.
And now Tiffany and Matt hatched a plan to trick us! They drive around Tunbridge pretending they haven't been there in years and pretending they don't recognise it anymore and how she wishes they lived there
The way HA! is walking around in his robe staring into the camera (
HA!) with his little hammer out ready to pound a hole any where he wants makes me think the place is in his name. Noting also that in the cream place SHE is the one whose personal items are being shoved away into a wee little room like she had him do in her grey house. Interesting that her clothes, including socks and underpants, as well as her desk are in that room. Kind of appears as though it is actually her bedroom.
Repeatedly dialing a cafe to reserve a slice of cake? What a pair of twats.
Maybe Matt will stick around and marry her. After all he's got nothing better to do, he doesn't have to fck her, and he still gets to take his vacations with his male friend, so why not stick around a couple of years and inherit her house. Pretty sweet deal for a man in his early 30's. Can you just imagine the amount of women who'll be chasing after him to give him sympathy sex!