New vlog! The grey box was empty and not so cozy cos she had too much on her mind, like getting better... but this cream tiny place is supposed to be "warm" (cozy) with pictures on the wall etc. The grey box was not her forever home, makes no sense to invest in real estate, renovate and put your mother (for free?) in the grey box... or does Amma need to pay rent? that's also a bit weird to ask rent from your own mother who made it possible to buy this property.
She's still in denial of her situation if she really thinks the healing from cancer is done and a new chapter has arrived in her life. If the scan is not good, she will be shocked as hell... with stage 4 it's just a matter of time till something new pops up, can some cozy sweet doctor please explain to this 30 year old child what her situation is... maybe use pictures so she can understand? Maybe give her the news by reading her a story like they do with little children?
I skipped the rest of her vlog till she was baking a cake with her sister. Her sis seemed forced into this activity and Tiffany made a big fuss but does very little work... as usual. She forgot to ask what would you pay for the cake;