VIP Member
My opinions- 1st I find it hard to believe she was not offered chemo after surgery. Almost every solid tumor patient I’ve seen had chemo before to shrink, surgery to remove/resect, and then chemo post to get anything left. I think she was convinced that she was “cancer free” from the moment the surgery was finished and refused to even consider any other treatment. I also think a lot of her wait and see was her refusing to get things done because she didn’t want to and her cancer was gone and was now mucus… or whatever strange tit she believed. The biopsy with the other doctor that she couldn’t even get in, which according to t was because they weren’t the god surgeon. That should have been a clue that the tumor was growing. How could she poop if they couldn’t even get small surgical tools in there? There’s no way. She had to be ignoring major signs. I think this woman is in incredible denial and needs serious mental health treatment. What she says on YouTube and what’s actually happening are not the same in my opinion. Those doctors knew her prognosis and told her and she refused to believe it and therefore has found herself with relapse with metastasizes. She should have been on oral chemo at the least while doing wait and see. She didn’t even understand what c diff was when she got that, or sepsis. The ignorance and refusal to learn what is going on in her own body is scary.could some of it could be cultural? Possibly? I know certain cultures treat disease differently. Some rely heavily on religion, some on holistic healing etc.