Sorry I must have click before I had finished writing and now I have arrived back home, I can edit or add on.
Why is attending a wedding together an assumption that he must be in it for the long haul? I have often wondered what Matt see's in Tiffany because I honestly don't see any attraction between them. Tiffany can't hold an intelligent adult conversation. An example is when they was advised to go the winery together. Walking there Tiffany asked if they would be bare foot squashing grapes, looking into each others eyes and being romantic. Matt abruptly replied, nah we won't be doing that! Tiffany girlie laughed and said oh, I must watch too many movies. Actually she's got the idea from last years love island where Davide and Ekin Su went to a winery.
Tiffany can't hold an adult conversation and at some point I imagine the relationships going to grow stale.
At this moment in time, Matt would need to pre arrange a place to live, before leaving Tiffany? If they had seperate houses then I do think things would be different.
Matts cousin (auntie muttons daughter) victoria lives in London. She's been in a few of Tiffanys videos long before Tiffany visited Ireland. In one of the videos (where Matts brother from Ireland sent them both a cookery hamper) Tiffany discussed all the times they had met and how she liked Matts brother.
Tiffany has mentioned twice about her having Matts stay at her home. Once where they was cleaning out the spare room in prep for his visit, and the other was when she said Matt was picking up his dad and she felt too poorly to go with him.
There visit to Ireland wasn't the first time meeting Matts family, at least not his immediate family. They could hardly invite just Matt to a wedding could they?
I find it interesting the way the person describes Kyle as "the best teacher" "great parents" etc do they know them personally? Or is it just based on what they see on YT?.
That life coaching lingo sounds very much like CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) l do wonder if she is in therapy
Sometimes I think subscribers forget that youtube is mostly peoples real life! Most treat it like they are watching a weekly soap such as Eastenders, Coronation St and the like.
Stating Kyle is the best teacher? Compared to who?
I too read subscriber comments and on the whole I find them bizarre.
The worst ones for me is the "Love you lots" "I love you like I love my own daughter" "Missing you so much and I love you too" "remember we got this and I love you too"
Love for me is a deep feeling and certainly something I wouldn't say if I didn't mean.
What should the next thread be named?
Revenge of the Sheep, or,
Silence of the Sheep, or
The Sheep Strike Back
Beavis & Barbie teamed up