Tiffany is Catholic apparently by birth and only 'in name'. She is not a practicing Catholic even though she says she believes in God. She is what Catholics call 'a Cafeteria Catholic', cherry-picking and choosing what she wants to follow.
Tiffany claimed to have given up sweets for Lent! What a lie! She has been seen eating sweets for the past several weeks. Why lie???
When she said her mom had given up meat for Lent a few videos ago, she didn't say that she herself had given up anything!! So, the day before Easter on this video, she comes out and said she gave up sweets for Lent?!
When were those videos filmed then??!! She ate lots of sweets in Ireland and just about every time she and Matt go somewhere this entire Lent season. Tiffany, you've been caught in a lie, once again. (Take note, Fluffy.)
Health-wise, the only items of concern in this video are:
--She was told she needs another blood test 'soon', even though the next scans are to be three months away. Presumably, the 'soon' means before three months. However, she did not specify why she needs another blood test soon. She said her tumor marker levels are normal.
--For this entire time, I, as well as most people here, thought that she had only one lung nodule. However, she referred several times to lung nodules. She said that the lung nodules she has are not a concern unless they grow. So, in this video, we learn that she has lung nodules rather than a single lung nodule.
I wonder if, in cases of lung nodules, CT scans are going to be done every three months for the rest of her life. That is a lot of radiation, radiation that maybe could turn something 'cancerous' over time.
She should have thanked her Tiffanythinks family for making her trip to Greece possible through viewership and merchandise purchases.