T's ability to attract so many subs is proof of the old PT Barnum saying, "There's a sucker born every minute.' These subs seem to have ZERO critical thinking skills. They simply cannot or refuse to see T for what she truly is- a very spoiled, manipulative, self centered child in a 30 year old woman's body. Why Ha puts up with it, I'll never know. Ts life is a huge bore. Literally nothing of interest happens. She spends 90% of each day in her sterile home, organizing shelves, watching Matt use the air fryer, fiddling with her hair, ordering expensive things, with an occasional foray to a store or coffee shop or her sister's. The ONLY reason her channel grew was due to her cancer. Now that she seems to want to forget it ever happened, her views will drop, as they should. Frankly, I'd rather watch paint dry!