I think about it a lot. I really don’t know how t would have coped if she was stage 4? Then my head tells me that she would have to cope…. The same way others do. Sometimes I find t to be selfish in the things she says. For example when my husband was diagnosed stage 4 it was life changing, but it helped seeing other younger patients at clinic and on the wards. Then above the oncology medical unit is the teens unit, and we always saw teens in the lifts etc. It made me realise so many things and gave me empathy for others. Seeing young mums on the immunotherapy ward having treatment while nursing a baby.
T, well, she says selfish things like she just has to hear she is cancer free, she HAS TO! Demanding to see her surgeon when she was in hospital? Perhaps he was busy with a very unwell patient? Asking to move from the ward because another patient was distressed. Didn’t Tiffany think to try speak to her? After all t claims to include everyone under the “we got this” guise.
Her selfish streak is ugly! I can’t imagine how she would have coped if it had have spread to her lungs.
Observing her is strange isn’t it? Like yesterdays video, she makes a crying noise, her eyes fill up but tears don’t fall. Then she does the biting her lip and long stare. Def not inspiring!