Honestly part of me is inclined to believe she doesn't do this all (i.e. being evasive) just to make money. I really think her coping mechanism is refusing to acknowledge it all as much as humanly possible and that includes not using words, discussing dates, appointments etc. I have severe health anxiety I also have a severe health anxiety in general deciding anxiety disorderand I do the same, I avoid medical language wherever I can because I can't cope with it. I'm not saying it's her sole reason, but I do see similarities with her anxiety.
[/ I also have a severe health anxiety and general anxiety disorder and though I don’t act like Tiffany, I have other ways to cope so I really understand what you’re saying. I used to have panic disorder and it prevented me from leaving the house but I overcame itWith therapy and meds
Honestly part of me is inclined to believe she doesn't do this all (i.e. being evasive) just to make money. I really think her coping mechanism is refusing to acknowledge it all as much as humanly possible and that includes not using words, discussing dates, appointments etc. I have severe health anxiety and I do the same, I avoid medical language wherever I can because I can't cope with it. I'm not saying it's her sole reason, but I do see similarities with her anxiety.
I’ll also have severe health anxiety and panic disorder. Although I don’t act like Tiffany, I have other ways of coping and through meds and therapy have been able to heal. I still have trouble leaving the house. But I don’t hide my disorder because mental illness should be talked about. I hope she gets help after the operation