Yes she totally fits the profile with additional clues being female, perfectionism, OCD, low self-esteem and social anxiety. Anyone with personal experience of EDs can see this loud and clear in all her interactions with food on her vlogs. The deception is also a typical feature which includes pretending you already ate, praising food that you have no intention of eating or secretly hiding/discarding food. You get a personal kick out of believing you tricked people, but this is often not at all the case. However other people may be too scared or weary to bring it up so they just pretend they don't see it. ED is also closely linked to wanting to be "small" and pre pubescent or being taken care of like a little girl.
An obsession with junk food is also very, very common. The combination of being skinny and still showing off about how much unhealthy food you eat is also a feature of ED, especially in those with narcissistic tendencies. It stems from the notion of knowing that other people with orthorexic (low-calorie food) ED are obsessed with "forbidden" foods like chocolate, sweets, greasy fried stuff, chips etc and you want to make them jealous in a twisted way by showing you can gorge on those without gaining weight. In order to balance out the calories the portion sizes are obviously small or there is virtually nothing else eaten during the entire day aside from the aforementioned portions of chocolate and chips. This type of ED is almost easier to sustain because the food is delicious, and the vast majority of people assume that you can't have disordered eating if you eat sugar and fat.