It's like she is going into this surgery with her fingers crossed.
I bet the surgeons have never come across anyone like her before. Her surgeon has got to be very worried about her.
I thought Amma did not go into the appointments with Tiffany.
I hear you.
I actually believe the doctors come across hundreds of patients like Tiffany. The reason why I like this chat forum is because of the ‘ real talk’ on here do you know how many friends and relatives I’ve disconnected from because they don’t like my direct approach or honesty.
Do you know how many people live a lie, fake and phony people ,crabs in a bucket, narcissistic , gaslighting, liars there are in the world!?
A lot of people cannot take home truths no matter how you deliver it. You can be gentle or brutal they just can’t cope. Denial, denial, denial
This forum is super refreshing because I like peoples honesty in here. I can see through bitchy remarks and see it as frustration because people are still trying to deliver positive information but being shut down, deleted or ignored in favour of toxic positivity on Tiffany’s youtube comments section.
Maybe it’s the way some of us are raised. I was raised to brush things under the carpet, but no sorry I can’t! I need to talk hash it out discuss, vent, rage
whatever I can’t hold it all in for too long as it gets me really down.
As for Amma, she needs to be at every appointment as she will be the one doing all the nursing, cooking and cleaning daily and wiping tears.
I’m sure previous to Tiffany’s diagnosis, Amma had a home and a job and a life and she’s making daily sacrifices and adjustments to help her daughter every step of the way through her ‘ cancer journey’ she needs to be at every single appointment! Not sitting in the car, nope! She needs to ask the doctor questions too and hear exactly what her daughter will be facing as Amma will be probably be Tiffany’s carer for the rest of Tiffany’s life or her own life. Sorry to say but it’s true
Matt will be at work and told to go away for a ‘break’ to stay with his family so he doesn’t have to see the tough stuff T will go through. Amma will be expected to stay in between helping her other daughter with her grandchildren!
I’m telling you this situation is really stressful to watch. I feel it for Tiffany , her naivety, her fears, her denial. It’s quite upsetting.