He is such a moaning wuss. I honestly think that having a tooth out is worse. Would Jason take a day off work if Paul had a tooth out? Northern northerner, you are spot on about the nhes not messing about with possible cancer scares, they rush you through, my mum had a growth that concerned her last year and they rushed it all through and thank god it was just an infection and nothing to worry about...the whole process from seeing the doctor to getting her results was about two or three weeks so I don't know what Paul is on about. he is definetly ramping up for a big gofundme, I can feel it in my bones.....my money is on a campervan or kefalonia fundraiser
He's filming the fakking surgery....Jeezus. Who give a shit. He should film himself sleeping, do a live stream of himself sleeping. Why does he think the whole world is interested in this crap. Paul might be obsessed with himself but no one else is.
Remember kids, don't send him sympathy, he doesn't want your sympathy. He only wants your money, and he only wants your presents
The postal service is gonna be busy after that post. Next time I have my ear pierced I expect you lot to send me a loads of presents. Haha