Oh what have I missed. Off to check out his hypocritical mental health vlog.
He’s dangerous! When I suffered an assault a decade ago, I became housebound with trauma and agoraphobia. My sister who’s a ‘mental health nurse’ I use that lightly, as she’s narcissist abusive woman and even our own Dad says she’s dangerous to work in that field of work. She belittled my assault and supported the family member who did it to me, despite the fact police witnessed it happening and they wanted to secure my house with extra locks and bolts on windows and doors, which proved how serious it must have been. Not forgetting the death threats I received afterwards from him. She said to me ‘you need a job, get out and get to work. Your mind is just bored stuck at home’. She also said ‘you don’t have agoraphobia you can go in your garden and drive the kids to school’. She had no idea of the panic attacks I had just driving my car to take the kids to school every morning, and the fear all day of having to pick them up. Terrified to see people at the school gates and scared incase the person who assaulted me was then waiting in my garden or house when I got back’. People like my sister and Paul should not be working around vulnerable people! It’s why I felt so upset about Linda, the way he belittled her and embarrassed her made me so angry.
He so needs to remember his quote he spouts off. Yes Paul, you’ve shown people who you are now.
Sorry to talk about myself, I’m ok now, I’m doing really well and far from a victim. Paul wallows,he’s a victim every single day with how he speaks and behaves. He should not be making videos on mental health with that
crappy advice!
Don’t tell me he’s walking through Oldham with a selfie stick talking to his camera. That fella in the background staring as he walks past him