Save me typing - I've nicked
@November_again 's list to throw me comments at... so here goes my rant about the sheer amount of bollocks and false shite the scruffy
twit has come out with
1. You need emission stickers - Only in certain cities - there's no blanket emission stuff yet. Crit' air is mainly Paris centre, there's a few in Belgium - easily done online - Ghent, Brussels and Antwerp. Just fill in the online form and send pics of yer V5.
2. You may need winter tyres - again only a few wintery places that tend to be up mountains, well known. Tyres should be marked with M&S for mud and snow.
3. Roaming is capped - again, well advertised and known about
4. You need van insurance - you need this EVERYWHERE and most insurance includes the 'bare minimum' you need in the EU as standard.
5. You need breakdown insurance - erm, no brainer especially in an older out of warranty van thats been tinkered with by all and sundry
6. Only 90 days in Schengen zone - well known, and these muppets WILL fall fowl of it should they ever return
7. You need travel documents and cash - well duh! Most folk have photocopies/scans of their docs on an email account - cash for fines, they'll take you to a cashpoint or bank
8. You need a Euro car kit - you don't need to buy one, most folk have the bits knocking about - as for breathalysers in France - thats old news and no longer a requirement as it was ludicrous - you could get pulled by les flics, breathalysed, then pulled again and fall fowl of the the legislation so it was cancelled. I bet they had the stuff in a box, that they couldn't reach in an emergency, thus ruling themselves fowl of the regs. You have to be able to reach your flouro jackets easily in the event of need - so most folk have them in door pockets or around the seats.