VIP Member
There's been quite a few tik tokers doing taste testing of these fruits and a lot of Asians have taken offence to the fact that they aren't liking it, making a big thing of calling them out because apparently they're "disrespectful of their culture". Personally, and this isn't me being disrespectful, if you don't like something and make it public that you dislike it, then that's your right! For example, I don't know of anyone in the UK who kicks off if someone doesn't like black pudding because it's an aquired taste, it doesn't go against the British culture to make it known that its actually rank.Still confused what’s this fruit thing about is it bad what this woman did trying to work out if aimless is justified or not probablt not cos I hate the twit but you know.
So this woman made a tik Tok trying a fruit that is an Asian fruit? Didn’t like it and was disrespectful? Is that the general gist of it? Or am I missing something? She’s deleted the tik toks now so, trying to piece it together.
And why has Aimless got involved? She has to insert herself in the drama doesn’t she. If it’s a big deal on tik Tok she knows she’s gonna get engagement for speaking about it. Manipulative git.
Also is this the world we live in now where people can’t dislike a fruit. I didn’t see the original tik Tok so take that with a grain of salt if it was worse than I’m picturing.
Its all over a sodding fruit at the end of the day and its getting ridiculous that people aren't allowed to have an opinion without loads of people jumping on them about it.