oh I feel your pain I hope your urologist is helpful and you start to feel better soon
I started with constant UTIs in 2022, I had around 18 courses of antibiotics that year, they’d do the trick but it’d come back as soon as I stopped them. My urologist put me on a one daily antibiotic but didn’t want me to do it long term but I tried coming off it and the problems came back. The pain and some doctors not believing me was enough to make me not want to be here. I ended up seeing a high up doctor at my local GP and wrote out everything I had experienced/felt etc and he said as long as I knew the risks he was more than happy to prescribe me a daily antibiotic long term. You have to advocate for yourself as especially with women’s health issues they’re so overlooked. I joined a Facebook group on recurrent chronic UTIs which helped. I also recommend asking your doctor for hiprex, it hasn’t cured me but helps alongside the antibiotic and for some that alone helped. Sending love x