I just don't get all the praise she gets just because she cooks, cleans and takes him to the park
he's still got to put up with her flashing her hoof and nipples all the time online. Exploiting him on tiktok and talking
tit about his dad and private life to strangers. Yeah she's a single mother and she works and takes him to the park....so what?
is the bar really set that low in life that that is seen as something to praise? Charlie has more help than me, with childcare and I'm married
there's thousands of single mothers all doing the same as she does without milking their kids for pennies on tiktok. Ralph is a nice boy yeah, but he's still been exposed to too many adult issues and themes in his life through his mum and family. She's quite often pissed up in front of him and discussing things not for his ears. Like I said, I do get it because it's easy to look like a super mum next to Aimless!! But charlie is really nothing special. I'm pretty sure Ralph has had many uncles, just like Harold.
There's this trend to be a
tit mum and proud online. So I guess it does make someone doing the bear minimum stand out, but how depressing is that?