She’s desperate for a Sainsbury’s collab…’s so cringyBack to Sainsburys....God loges a tryer Shamey!
Her meds give her reflux/ indigestion?
Maybe have a look at the tit you stuff your face with on the daily, that may help, head!
Neither is her face. She should take it back for a refund.Those pyjamas are not flattering, are they?
She always gives Harper veg when she has a friend round. She thinks she’s mother of the year because her child eats vegetables.That food looks bloody awful. And left over mash with nachos and pizza? Like seriously?
And are those more new pjs?
Yes heard her say that, what baffles me is she kept saying Harper loves spending time with Ralph but yet she never takes her to bloody blackpool to see him!!! If they were that close they would spend more time together and she would go out of her way. It’s not like it’s a bloody 4 hour drive and they live in London ffs!Did anyone catch that harper was supposed to be going to her grandads for the London trip but Shirley said she wanted to have her and ‘she loves spending time with her grandkids’ so now H is off there instead?
those bleeping rings Elizabeth duke called and they want their jewellery back. Coupled with those vile nails
Someone did warn her in the comments about the cleaning products being maybe not safe for the cats too
She’s already commented that she’s worried about going to London now