Just seen her latest post. She clearly reads here
Aimee, I have endo, PCOS and I’m peri menopausal. My periods are horrific. I go through towels and tampons every 30-60mins and that’s for the first 4 days of my period. I have to still go to work. The pain is awful, I’m so self conscious that I need to go to the loo almost constantly to change but I still have to get on with it. It is, sadly, just a period, horrific for so many, my niece is 15 and she gets them worse than me the poor girl, she needs to go to school still.
I fully agree that we should talk about periods more, there should be no shame around them but you being a wet wipe about yours doesn’t make me feel sorry for you, it makes me think you are a baby. You are fortunate to pick and choose when you work, so many of us aren’t that lucky. Stop normalising staying at home when on your periods. We don’t have that luxury. God help Harper when she starts hers