Exactly. Funny how she put breastfeeding above the her marriage in the listI wish she would stop with the BS going on like she wanted to come off social media and take a step back. It’s clear as day it was probably one of the things Rodge said had to happen if she wanted him to come back.
Wasn’t she following like a sex page too on tik tokHas she stopped following all the divorce pages now?
Thought the same, not even a birthday post for Coco .. unheard of!Looks like she has completely given up on instagram now
And then you have to say that you shouldn't feel pressured to keep up with what you see on Instagram blah blah then proceeded to do just that and but the entire valentine's section in home bargains to put in a basket for the kidsSo how's everyone coping without her valentines basket ideas? .. I mean my pancake day was shambles no pancake day basket for my kids ...