So many things but. WHY doesn’t she also sit down with the magical orzo pasta and enjoy it alongside Coco? If it’s so amazing and delicious and nutritious, why isn’t she eating it herself?? WHY isn’t she just taking the lolly away from her and instead trying to persuade a two year old to wrap it up and put it down and just look at it until after her magical, amazing orzo? WHY is she allowing Coco to sit and eat a junk snack of pretzels instead of her lunch? WHY does she think it’s because Coco KNEW how much she wanted her to eat it and not the real reason, because Coco knew fine well that there would be a junk snack in it’s place if she only just said “nah”.
This woman is literally destroying her children’s relationship with food for content.
This woman is literally destroying her children’s relationship with food for content.