I never pay any attention to that OP's comments. Their comments are usually stupid or offensive, or they've often stated (as if for the first time) the obvious (that we've already discussed ad nauseam), or talk about something completely out-of-context as to what we were discussing.
They typically just pop in and pop out and aren't seen again for weeks.
Erin and Caitlyn are friggin hilarious. Did they actually watch when Jenn was pregnant with J.? When the two of them were traveling all over and she was [gasp!] editing the vlogs bigger than she is now? And the vlogs were actually coming out at a slightly faster rate than today? (oh, and she has Lyn as her shadow now stans, so don't give us that she has to care for her one and only child *and* edit
Seriously. These people commenting have to be teens or college-age girls w/ zero "real world" experience. They absolutely cannot know anything to be making the statement that a 3-month pregnant woman with one of the easiest jobs on the planet can't sit on her couch for "long" hours (also, define "long" vs. Jenn's lies) because it's "really hard" on the body. She bitched about shit when she wasn't pregnant (e.g., back, carpal tunnel, etc.). She. Just. Bitches.
Do they not realize that pregnant women actually work challenging jobs - on their feet or sitting - up unto their due dates or delivery?
And / or while seamlessly managing households, multiple children and / or pets, paying bills, handling appointments, driving to / fro, etc.
Jenn is so fucking coddled by everyone, it's ABSURD.