Thespiritualcoquette #2 Narcissist liar who lives beyond her means, funded by the tax payer & her gullible beans.

Haven’t seen her pop up in ages but god ain’t she gained some weight. Guess those chocolate bars in the bath are catching up with her, glad to know her ‘disability’ has magically healed now xoxoxo
Just had to have a look 👀

Also, I checked out her links because I saw a video about The Boys birthday (which I think has happened already) and wondered if she had an Amazon wish list. She doesn’t, but she does have a Patreon… minimum £4 a month but hasn’t posted since March! With 58 subscribers thats minimum £232 a month. Patreon take a percentage of that, but still… free moneeeeeeeey for our spiritual grifting queen

She's having a hissyfit because she doesn't get any attention anymore good OR BAD.

Nobody talks about her hardly ever on here or the other site!

Kara with a K is a boring bleep with a C.
I see she didn’t answer this question. What’s that? Oh yeah because you don’t have a job, you scumbag. “Pay day” 🙄
